06 December 2005

Night Air Smoking Arguments

Can it get fucking colder?
Are four shirts enough?
Considering Serge divorced Jane, is there any hope?
Will Saddam win his day in court?
Any anagrams possible with the word cunt?
Odds of December 22 resulting in a fistfight?
Should the Supreme Court change its name to The Supremes?
When are Rilo Kiley coming to town?
Why aren’t women dressing better in the East Bay?
Where’s the sun?
Doing anything for the troops this Christmas?
Why am I anticipating my quasi brother-in-laws annual gift of 20 year old McCallans?
Will I attend the nedelle show Friday night and not feel guilty?
Will red meat and fowl ever be appealing again?
Why is my arm hurting?
What’s the best way to get blood out of a t-shirt?
What’s left to soulseek?
Where are the bars with large fireplaces and comfortable chairs?
If Brad Pitt adopts black children, will Jennifer Anniston adopt lepers?
Ever successfully smoked in the shower?
Remember Tracy Scoggins?
Who wrote the following? “How is it indeed possible for one human being to be sorry for all the sadness that meets him on the face of the earth, for the pain that is endured not only by men, but by animals and plants, and perhaps by the stones? The soul is tired in a moment, and in fear of losing the little she does understand, she retreats to the permanent lines which habit or chance have dictated, and suffers there.”
What is the age limit to skateboard to the market?
If we pull out of Iraq, will we towel off before going in again?
What’s the dating age-range/ridiculous-appearing quotient for a 35 year old man?
Isn’t Dexter supposed to play this time of year?
Who will fix the Kings?
Was that the worst New Yorker issue ever?
Is art worth it?
Planned your drum circle for the winter solstice?
Where’s the shock of the new, the thrill of surprise?
Anyone seen my lighter?

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