06 February 2006


sonny house said...

how dare they? burn, baby, burn!!

Tuna said...

Remind me again.....what are we doing trying to teach democracy to the Muslim world?

Here's an idea, call Willie Nelson, roll out his ethanol business, pull up the draw bridge and let the middle east go to hell in a hand basket. These people, yes I said "these", are clearly humorless, fascist nuts. A modest trade relationship based upon Iranian caviar and Afghan dope conducted at a neutral site (like West LA?), ia about as close as we should ever get to Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc.

Why arent I president?

sonny house said...

i don't know- they kinda of remind me of some of my more pc colleagues- everything offends them, and so everything has to be couched in the most sensitive language and tones- it's all about feeling (indignation) rather than thought, cuz, oops, you're not allowed to think critically, just express outrage when doctrine is mocked or contradicted.


Dr. D said...

that picture is a double gatefold lp cover if i ever saw one. outstanding!

Dr. D said...

IRAN'S largest selling newspaper announced today it was holding a contest on cartoons of the Holocaust in response to the publishing in European papers of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.

Tuna said...

BTW- You just love saying "burn!", dont you?

sonny house said...


Dr. D said...

the guy in the center looks like the Fiddler on the Roof lead. civilization? i dont think so. this looks like a good Neckbones video. "let's burn this place down, let's watch it burn...."

sonny house said...

i like what they're doing with color

Tuna said...

Actually I was thinking how it reminded me of the crowd who couldnt get into one of our sold out Busted Lives shows. Total mayhem.