17 November 2008

Round up

Part 2 of the Carducci interview here. The fey NYer food issue is out, but it's got this piece on Texas BBQ and another on Dogfish beer; both probably suck, but Calvin Trillin can be funny. This Wednesday WFMU is having a History of LA Punk show from 6-9am Eastern Time. Learn something. Saw some pics of Carrie Underwood and it strikes me that she is pro-sodomy and likely a demon in the sack.

This blog sucks lately; someone do something obnoxious or else kill it. I miss mass email communication. Barf.


sonny house said...

I will try harder- for some reason I have been swamped at work this year, and by the time the kids are in bed I'm nearly ready to crash.

But mass email communication?

sonny house said...

Haven't had time to read the Carducci piece, but will.

Who the fuck is Carrie Underwood?

I'm looking forward to that beer article, actually. That Dogfish dude is a stud.

Dr. D said...

i dont know who underwood is; saw her pic in the chron.

And yeah, this public display of agression, this blogging, is gonna end for me come the new year. it's kind of odd, what this is; and it's been fun for a while; but its time for something new.

email; private, personal, secret, direct. sounds like a winner...