30 December 2009

Wow! That really sucked.


Tuna said...

For once I think the common wisdom is right...the last decade sucked. I wont regurgitate the economic, political and cultural awfulness of the past 10 years. But it is astounding when you consider it all. I'm still struggling to understand how it all was allowed to happen. I guess its bc we allowed it to happen instead of stopping it. At least we got a tiny bit of hope at the very end. Who can say if it will last?

On a personal level, I traveled some, got married, was told my wife was going to die and then told, ha, its a mix up, she's fine! Not sure when I'll be over that episode. Add doctors to my villains list.

I think I had 3 different jobs, owned two apartments and struggled through two different recessions. Living on the East Coast was a work numbing experience I will never forget. I'm better for it, even if I hated my bosses (and the fucking Yankees). Nights out in the Big Apple are like no other. We had some good times in between all that fucking work.

I wish I was richer, and had known earlier what I wanted to do. On the other hand, I managed to avoid the horrors that the Great Recession has inflicted on so many others. I feel very lucky.

On a positive note.... the beer was a LOT better in the aughts. That matters. And music was everywhere (and free!). Digital distribution changed my life. No joke. I got to hear more bands as an adult than when I was a care free kid. I loved new grps like the Reigning Sound, Black Keys, Dirtbombs, Hunches, Black Lips, The Ponys and Fucked Up's Epic in Minutes. I learned a lot about American and British garage rock, country. Nathaniel Meyer was this decade's Andre Williams. I even started playing guitar again. Wanna be in a band?

Most important, I made it back home! With my wife and a few good friends, I will forge on. This living thing just keeps going....Twins are on the way, hopefully a new home soon. I am feeling a bit of optimism. Time to put this crap behind us. Bring on The Next!

Anonymous said...

Holy Shit! Is that a touch of introspection? I'm flattened- what's next, a navel-gazing novel?

All kidding aside, it's easy to focus on the big canvas and forget the micro- I had three children and they're all healthy and pretty damn wonderful to hang with. Just yesterday I took all three to Fudruckers and then the Vivarium to look at reptiles. Many laughs, more smiles.

I bought and sold two houses, kept the same job, lost all vestiges of youth, read a zillion books, listened to too many records (ah, the return to vinyl), and failed to embrace jazz. Not too bad, on the whole.

Embrace that bit of optimism- you'll need it with twins, for there ain't no going back now.

And how about for the Next, let's not soil our panties over one kid who fucks up some explosives. For the first time in a long time, let's get all Brit and stiffen our backs a bit, and just say, what a douche, and then quietly remind screeners to get off the cough syrup. Can we simply not panic for once?

And I'm sure the DeRosa signing will get you off Sab's back, right?

Tuna said...

It's hard not to focus on the macro when you lived for 3 years next to ground zero, your wife was working across the Street on the day of the attacks and a cousin fought in Iraq. But I hear you.

Re Nigerian, Im actually furious. All of us have been inconvenienced at airports for years now. And then this jackass on the watch list pays for a ticket with cash, checks no luggage and nearly murders a flight full of people. This is why people hate government. I'm not saying it's right. But I can relate to the rage this time.

I like the DeRosa signing. I saw him play at Wrigley a few years back and was seriously impressed. But they still need a big bat. If you heard Damon Bruce this AM, you know where I stand.

Finally mastered the solo for Back in Black. It's a bitch!

Anonymous said...

nah, I wasn't suggesting any of us not be angry at the horrible decade that was- only saying that it's easy to forget the good stuff that happened on the personal level.

I'm not going to say anything about the Nigerian because clearly we have reacted differently. I just hope we can keep our heads, make some adjustments and not freak the fuck out. The latter hasn't worked out so well for us.

Sharks dominate the Caps tonight, and I enjoy another fine meal in a new Oaktown restaurant, and I didn't have to pay. Good times.

I'm waiting for the first practice session- do you have any real songs?

Tuna said...

I have 4 songs, two guitars and a capo. I do not have a drummer, though. Are we going to go through the drum machine thing? Is your wife cool with this. Are you prepared for me going shirtless in your basement. This is a commitment on many levels, Sonny.

I never thought Id say this, but Im really sick of football. Or maybe I'm just bitter bc all my teams lost. I'm taking the next couple of months off from sports.