23 June 2011

Dueling Video Clips- Your Winner Appears Here



bruce said...

are they trying to say something?

sonny house said...

they're detached

bruce said...

finally got my real turntable/stereo working again, tore it apart, turns out the turntable was not hard wired, just regular plug in cables and one was loose.

pulling out stuff from the last few months that i had bought and not listened to OBN IIIs is great, new bed wetting bad boys is total replacments rips in a good way

Anonymous said...

"bed wetting bad boys" is the name of the group? have not heard of either of these but I will seek them out

bruce said...

bed wetters are from aus, i have the new one, but it's not to retailers yet, i'm waiting on stickers

here's a vid of some old guys trying to rock, that's me on drums


Anonymous said...

sounds good- look forward to hearing more of you guys