30 July 2011

Boo Boo!

I've been on a hunt for new blues guys for what seems forever. Basically, ever since Junior Kimbrough and RL Burnside left the earth over 6 years ago. A really long haul. I don't know why but the internet hasn't made it any easier. It's hard to filter through all the polished crap and cliches that make 99% of blues music intolerable. Just like 99% of pretty much any genre.

So in this age of Twitter, Tumblr and all the other crap people use to "communicate," I found out about Boo Boo in a TV ad. His song "So Tired" is in a 5 Hour Energy spot! But I instantly heard IT. My head lifted from my monitor at work when this song played. FINALLY an authentic voice. Just the right amount of whine, but then naturally deep in a second. And his music's raw hypnotic drive tipped me off Boo Boo was probably from Mississippi. Just like Junior and RL. This music is a slow-cooked drug. I get lost in it. I love it.

Name of the Game isn't a perfect album by any stretch. The production can be a bit too slick. Some of the songs don't really go anywhere.  Boo Boo isn't ever going to be as good as Junior. But Boo Boo is alive! And I've found a new living reason to listen to blues.

1 comment:

bruce said...

wow, i've heard the jingle and liked it but it would never have occurred to me to track down the artist