26 September 2011

Jon Wayne- Texas Funeral

This is Godhead stupid, and the greatest record I had ever heard on the first night I listened to it. Granted, I was drunk and irritable and looking for a reason to feel sorry for myself, but this baby spun the evening in an entirely different direction. A dumb one. A slap upside the head and get down on the ground to get in touch with your own fucking absurd mortality direction. A reminder that no matter how seriously you take yourself in any given moment, there's some fucker in Texas trying to make country music who can remind you of what an asshole you are. Thanks, guys. I needed that. Up there with that Clap album for reissue of the year. Or maybe it was last year. Fitting. Dumb is as dumb hears and sometimes dumb is the only night road to take.


sonny house said...


Tuna said...

That video is some fine film. Great acting and cinemaphotography!