20 January 2012

The James Arthur Manhunt

Holy shit. This record is a trip. Heavy damaged guitars, squawking seagulls and all kinds a weird outer space stuff. And yet it's really beautiful.

This lp came from my recently arrived Aussie related stash. I think it was released by Aarght back in 2010. Man, I dig it. I think the closest I could pin it down comparison wise is very early Flaming Lips before they crawled up their ass and thought they were Brian Wilson. Remember that Pasta Skull clear EP? That's kinda sorta what this is about.  But then at other times a bit JAMC.

Whatev. I could go through each of the songs, but really you gotta listen to it all the way through.  Five stars all the way from here in San Fran. This made my Friday night home with a bourbon buzz. Thanks, brother man.


bruce said...

good to hear, james doesn't get enough credit for all he's been in

Anonymous said...

I dig this one, too, but I need to listen to it more. Anybody packing schrooms?