30 August 2007
29 August 2007
27 August 2007
26 August 2007
22 August 2007
21 August 2007
19 August 2007
17 August 2007
16 August 2007
15 August 2007
14 August 2007
13 August 2007

12 August 2007
For some dumb reason I feel like seeing a movie tonight. There is nothing out there that interests me - it's all shit. I'm tossing a coin b/w Stardust and the Simpson's Movie. These are fuckin kiddie movies. Where's the adult shit? Where is Hustle and Flow or Dreamland? Where's that new Denzel where he plays Frank Lucas, the baddest motherfucker ever from Harlem? Movies suck ass.
We are with you in your anger...
09 August 2007
"I like to read the way a chorus girl does: identifying myself with the author and the book. Any other attitude makes me think of dissecting corpses."
08 August 2007
SAN FRANCISCO—A sellout crowd rose to its feet and exploded into ecstatic cheers Tuesday night as Barry Bonds completed the downfall of America's most revered sport by hitting a thundering 435-foot shot into the right center field bleachers for career home run No. 756 and tainting baseball's most beloved record.
Celebrations broke out throughout AT&T Park and thousands of flashbulbs went off as Bonds took his ceremonial trip around the bases, his arms raised in a jubilant gesture of triumph as he completed his desecration of baseball. Fireworks filled the night sky to mark the utter destruction of the national pastime, a scramble for the infamous baseball broke out in the stands, and the game was interrupted for 10 minutes in the bottom of the fifth to mark the shameful occasion.
Mike Bacsik, the pitcher who made the difficult and admirable decision to pitch to Bonds as if he were a normal player, and who will forever be known as the man whose fastball was sent out of the park along with the last remnant of baseball's self-respect, could only watch. Bonds would later present Bacsik with an autographed bat.
Moments after Bonds crossed home plate into the loving arms of his family and the eventual judgment of history, he addressed the fans, thanking them for their support on his long, hard road of perverting baseball.
"Thank you very much. I got to thank all of you, all the fans here in San Francisco. It's been fantastic," he said to his deluded and complicit home crowd as his godfather Willie Mays, a fading symbol of what baseball once was, stood at his side.
As soon as Bonds completed his self-congratulation, a self-conscious gasp could be heard as a videotaped message from Hank Aaron was played over the video screen, sending surprise and a fleeting moment of uncomfortable self-awareness through both the crowd and Bonds himself.
"Throughout the past century, the home run has held a special place in baseball and I have been privileged to hold this record for 33 of those years," said Aaron, whose legacy of persevering with profound personal dignity through racism and persecution to become the all-time home run leader will hopefully not be tarnished by public acknowledgment of Bonds.
"I move over now and offer my best wishes to Barry and his family on this historic achievement," Aaron concluded, displaying infinitely more grace than Bonds, baseball fans, and perhaps even baseball itself had any right to ask of him.
Bonds then presented his helmet, gloves, and bat to a steward of the Baseball Hall of Fame for shipment to Cooperstown, where they will be enshrined forever, allowing fathers and sons to come and stare at them glumly as they bear mute witness to baseball's diminished glory.
The Nationals won the game, 8-6.07 August 2007

There is so much to ridicule across the pond, but sometimes they get art in a way we miss. Dead Moon plays to thousands over there, and even Thin White Rope conquered Belgium. I go to the Stork Club to see Bob Log and twelve people show up. Over there, they declare a BLIII show a national holiday. It makes you wonder. Of course, they embrace their share of shite, but still.
So Lee is dead. And I am sad. Aside from Townes Van Zandt, Lee has dominated my turntable more than anyone else for the past three years. Lee was a product of a different era, in which beautiful women were goddesses, Scotch was mandatory at 4:00, and work was what you loved and then put aside for drinking. Lee made hits for money and then music for laughs.
Very few "celebrity" deaths hit me, but this one did. I'm not gonna mourn the man by playing his music because I've already been doing that for years. Tonight, I'm gonna sit outside on my deck and look at the stars (the next best thing to a hamick), and I'm gonna think about a girl named Phaedra. We all know her. And I'm gonna raise my lust to Lee.
02 August 2007
To be stupid, and selfish, and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness; though if stupidity is lacking, the others are useless.
Methinks this is the thunderbolt.
Thank you, stupid internets!