09 February 2006


Tuna said...

I can send you other photos of me. I know I am sick of seeing me in a tank!

FYI - 500k protestors demonstated in Lebabon today regarding the cartoons. The leader of Hezbolah told president bush to "shut up."

When is this going to die? Will it die? Do you hope it dies down? I dont. This has gone from laughable, to annoying, to potentially really entertaining. Thoughts?

sonny house said...

If by entertaining you mean dropping the big one, I'd say you ought to visit Mr. Rumsfeld, cuz he's looking for a few good men. Chiraqq has broached the subject.

Is Europe running out of patience with radical Islam?

Will Georgie finally come to see that democracy does not equal freedom?

Tuna said...

No I just mean the fireworks.

Something odd has happened to me in the last month. I dont really care what is going to happen anymore vis-a-vis world events. So I just sit back and try to look for entertainment in it.

Euros ever acting decisively even in their own country is a crack pipe dream. Never will happen. Ever.

Ditto Bush critically examining some of his basic assumptions. It just isnt in his silver spoon, Jesus freak DNA. Someone is going to have to stop this war for him. But that someone cant because "I was for the war, before I was against it." And other such Democratic nonsense.

So just watch it and wonder what happens next. You cant stop it.

sonny house said...

do you really think Georgie is a Jesus freak? I'm not so sure. I'm thinking it's pretty much all lip service at this point, and maybe all along. Maybe it was just the necessary facade to keep Laura from leaving him after he'd spent another night down at the Lodge with the boys from Enron. Can you imagine the man actually trying to act on anything from the Sermon on the Mount? Me either.