03 September 2008


Anonymous said...

I assume these are McCain's choices for cabinet postions?

If McCain wins, I am going to become a Republican. Progressive, enlightened politics will have been given its best shot in years and the very people who would have benefited the most will have rejected it. So stop fighting it and just accept it.

Bill Maher is right. People get dumber and dumber with each election and we get the govt we deserve.

Anonymous said...

that's Bristol and the father of her child, Levi

Anonymous said...

Tell me your kidding me.

Anonymous said...

unless Dr. Photoshop is in the house, I am not


Anonymous said...

on his myspace space (which has since been taken down) Levi speaks-

Johnston boasts, "I'm a f - - -in' redneck" who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes.

"But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s- - - and just f - - -in' chillin' I guess."

"Ya f - - - with me I'll kick [your] ass," he added.

He also claims to be "in a relationship," but states, "I don't want kids."

Anonymous said...

Ok, Sarah Palin's candidacy should be over after this IF IT IS TRUE. This photo will be (is right now?) flying all over the internet and will son be reported upon by CNN, MSNBC, etc.

You simply cannot bill yourself as a social conservative ready to be 1heartbeat away from being leader of the free world and have crap like this going on in your home. These folks are trash.

Put another way, what do you think would be the rreaction if Obama's daughter were Bristol's age, pregnant and had their photos taken with a low life boyfriend in Chicago and LOTS of guns?

Seriously, this should do it.

Anonymous said...

well, plenty of folks will love this photo, but your last graph about Obama's hypothetical preggie daughter is the kicker.

He may also be guilt of statutory, as she may have been 16 when she got knocked up

Anonymous said...

Those folks dont have internet access.

I wonder if McCain is absolutely going ape shit right now? Clearly this "clan" was not vetted and now they are going to be the laughing stock of the campaign. And there is no way in hell most people are going to want this family anywhere near the White House.

I just got a whole lot more confident about Obama's chances.

Anonymous said...

Looking at her photo again right now. I must admit, the backwoods slut kinda makes me hot.

Anonymous said...

Her speech tonight was vintage nasally PTA mom. It totally fired up the base and I imagine in some quarters people will forget about $4 gas, unemployment, health care, etc. and think she's just like them. I honestly think she gets exposed over the course of the next 8 months though as way out of her league. I still like Obama's chances here.

Anonymous said...

I thought she did a terrific job- maybe a tad too sarcastic at times and too scripted at others, but she delivered what that party needed.

Cindy McCain holding that baby and cheering every snide attack on Obama looked really bad from my couch, though. Standing and cheering every time a political unknown zings a decent guy like Obama just rings mean. Stand for every laudatory remark for your man, but too brighten and leap to your feet for some cheap line from a speechwriter does not look "FIRST LADY-LIKE."


by the way, did you see the haircut they gave Levi? That boy didn't look too out of place, did he?

8 months? Aren't we voting in 2?

sonny house said...

Sam Harris gets sassy-

Americans have an unhealthy desire to see average people promoted to positions of great authority. No one wants an average neurosurgeon or even an average carpenter, but when it comes time to vest a man or woman with more power and responsibility than any person has held in human history, Americans say they want a regular guy, someone just like themselves. President Bush kept his edge on the “Who would you like to have a beer with?” poll question in 2004, and won reelection.

This is one of the many points at which narcissism becomes indistinguishable from masochism. Let me put it plainly: If you want someone just like you to be president of the United States, or even vice president, you deserve whatever dysfunctional society you get. You deserve to be poor, to see the environment despoiled, to watch your children receive a fourth-rate education and to suffer as this country wages – and loses – both necessary and unnecessary wars.

Anonymous said...

her speech was for the faithful and she connected. There was little substance to what she said in terms of policy. I think the snide remarks will wear thin when moderates realize that is all she has to offer. On and I'm not sure the fact she is an opponent of abortion in all cases, doesn't believe in global warming and is a creationist who allegedly had library books burned she didn't like will sit too well with independents and the sane.

A good night for her and the party. But watching Palin, Huckabee and Giuliani I was left with the sense that these are small people with limited skills and intellectual prowess.

Which probably makes them favorites!

Hey, Marday Fish lost today. WTF?

Anonymous said...

how was McCain? I missed it.