Everywhere, apparently. The greatness of the Shark Tank was topped and topped again by the stupid joys of riding rides and not only because I got to tilt my head poetically as my kids got kiddie high from getting high- I forgot how much fucking fun it is to drop at high speeds into troughs of water or to put on purple 3-D glasses to have hornets attack your lumbar region or for sheer speed to exhilarate you to the point of stupidity. Fun fun. What a middle-aged concept. I loved the Muppets movie and laughed through the soaking log ride. I screamed in hysterics during the Indy ride and contemplated acid during Space Mountain. I waxed nostalgic during Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride and wept Soaring Over California. It was the cleanest fun I’ve had in ages. I don’t give a fuck about the Disney Nazi’s or the ridiculous food prices or the endless sea of fat chick tattoos. I was happy for 72 consecutive hours.
Who da thunk it?
Muppets - i need to download some of those old muppet show episodes. i recall they had peter cook as a guest one time...
Why are amusement parks, state fairs and shopping malls synonymous with fat people?
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