18 November 2008

Obama's first mistake

Where is the upside here? Why is appointing Hillary so important that you're willing to take on the risks that come with Team Clinton? Obama came up with this all himself, too. No one was even thinking this a week or so ago.


sonny house said...

Well, I'm skeptical that we have any idea who was talking about whom/what when- it doesn't make much sense from a policy standpoint either- she is a domestic policy wonker. The last thing I read is that Hillary didn't want it- two days after I read she desperately did.

Who really knows? Don't call it a mistake until someone actually has a job.

Go Warriors! Love that Morrow kid!

sonny house said...

By the way, did you read about Cal's potential move to the Stick while Memorial gets retrofitted? Better tailgating possibilities?

You miss Hunter's Point, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Write this down: Obama will rue the day he hires her. If he hires her.

The Stick would be sweet for a couple of seasons. Go Bears!

sonny house said...

I'm not arguing anything about the "rue." I'm just saying it ain't a mistake until he appoints her, and that the Bears' offense is a huge disappointment this season.

I miss the wild games of the neighborhood swinger years

Dr. D said...

The final sections of Mr. French’s biography grow a bit deflated and sad; the book becomes a list of awards and obligations, and a compendium of Mr. Naipaul’s boorish behavior. (He dressed down Iris Murdoch while both were dining with Margaret Thatcher at 10 Downing Street; he soured an evening at Francis Ford Coppola’s Napa Valley estate by disapproving of the food and by sneering at George Lucas: “I don’t know ‘Star Wars,’ I am not interested in films.”)

Anonymous said...

for reasons that have nothing to do with Naipul's personal life, I find it greatly satisfying someone told George Lucas that his "art" wasn't worth paying attention to.

I've never understood why so many adults love Star Wars so much. It's story telling is childlike in its good/bad simplicity and it's dialogue is embarassingly bad.

Dr. D said...

in fairness to lucas, he has said over and over he made/makes these for kids. he dug flash gordon movies and wanted to one up them. before my first blow-job star wars was the shit. none of it holds up well, but its not supposed to. still have a soft spot for 'empire strikes back'

leia (to Han): I love you.
Han: I know

Anonymous said...

That line was better in Shaft:

Shaft's woman: I love you.
Shaft: Yeah, I know... take it easy.