12 December 2008



Anonymous said...

Its been about 5 days since the news rolled in about Blago. Its only now that I can really talk about this without interupting myself due to the SHEER SCALE of this guy's criminality. I mean how do you get the nerve to sell a Senate seat of the president elect, extort a children's hospital and threaten the sale of the Chicago Cubs bc you dont like the Tribune's editorial staff? In the same year, while already under investigation!!! And then taunt the justice department to tap your phones.

And of course the best hair in a long long time. Blago isnt human. He's made of different far more evil stuff.

Then this AM came the news of the biggest Ponzi scheme in the hisotry of the US....$50B! It appears the former chairman of NASDAQ was ripping off investors for years with the oldest investor trick in the book. There is no credibility left on Wall Street, if you ever believed there was in the begining. The entire thing appears to be a giant Ponzi scheme to most of the people who work there. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

I'm fascinated how people like these two actually work up the nerve to cross the line and pull off these crimes. Their missing the fear that truth be told is what prevents most people from doing bad things. Its just not that they are bad. They are fearless in a just breathtaking way.

Anonymous said...

blago is delusional but i admire his moxie and i hope he fights it. this has marion barry written all over it; bitch (rahm) set me up!

the ponzi guy is priceless; apparently for like 50 years he showed a positive return EVERY MONTH AND NO ONE CALLED HIM ON IT. greedy rich can suck it.

now that the curtains are being pulled back and we're all gonna know what's what in NY, i want finality on the last big NYC question:

what happened to all the NYC homeless between when i first went there in 1990 and, say, 2000?

Anonymous said...

Exactly goddman right, Mr Derr.

There was a bit in the journal where some of the investors admitted they were almost 100% certain that something was wrong with the firm, but they didnt care. They liked the steady returns and just figured it was insider trading not a Ponzi scheme. So they were alright with it.

Ponder that for a moment. It says a great deal about the small moral differences between crook and victim and the hypocracy of their outrage.

Something like 1/3 of NYs state budget is paid for by Wall Street. Which is why they are totally fucked now. Anywho, while Wall Street went on a tear some of the tax money paid for homeless shelters far far away from the new Disneyland-esque New York City.

And now the jigs up. Maybe heroin, urban decay and punk rock can come back!