26 October 2009

Good Times!


Tuna said...

Genius. A band that has just the right amount of sarcasm and humor on stage. Which is to say a lot.

If only I could ahve kept my eyes open. I am an old man. I cant get drunk two nights in a row and stay up very late. Sad, but true.

My wife left for NYC to help her mom pack up for moving out here. I am free this weekend. Sonny, can I drop of my amp in your basement and buy you a beer for your troubles? Maybe we could even go to 123 or whatever that record store is called in Oakland and I can finally get a Dead Moon record.

Let me.

Tuna said...


sonny house said...

yea, no problem dropping by the amp. I need to check the weekend schedule for when we'll be around, but I'll let you know.

And I'm guessing you do two nights hard in a row in other realms- beer pong? college football? Could just be all that standing around in a club that saps the energy.

Remind me to tell you about my cab driver Friday night- dark.

sonny house said...

by the way, that's an actual shot of them driving from Bottom of the Hill to the Parkside for show #2

bruce said...

that photo is great, what did you guys think of necc evils, g boys and sector zero?

sonny house said...

I loved the N Evils- I couldn't believe how tight they were and how menacing they sounded for old guys (still younger than me). Only saw about three songs of the Golden Boys but was shocked by how entertaining and energetic they were. I'm gonna have to check out their records again because they never did anything for me. Didn't see Sector Zero.

bruce said...

sector zero is erico and zac from goner, and james was supposed to play drums for them

Anonymous said...

I have to seriously try to come out for this at least once...

It just sounds fucking great.

Cheers from down under...