31 January 2006


Tuna said...

I'm back. We are in the middle of earnings season. Work stuff that requires 12+ days, everyday. Oh and the people who make Grand Theft Auto might go to jail this week because of SEC and FTC investigations. So that makes work a little crazy. But I am up, it is 4:30 AM and coffee is starting.

How come Red Shark never posts anymore? How come all bars can't be open till dawn like Handsome Dick Manitoba's? How come winter has to be so blah, grey and filled with sickness? How come Im not rich and "winter" (yes, as a verb) in Australia? How come, how come, how come?

I really need a vacation. I really need a great post. This aint it. Make me laugh, goddamnit!

Dr. D said...

thanks for that google recomendation...

sonny house said...

thanks for another generic ny reference point- do you have one of the statue of liberty or where sid vicious killed nancy?

i'm not a nice person, by most accounts

Tuna said...

Didnt realize Handsome Dick's was on the Circle Line Tour. Im guessing its a little tense around your home these days?

sonny house said...

yea, I sent ya an email to explain my vitriol was at the wall, and not you- implosion