07 February 2006


Dr. D said...

i'm learning web publishing software. i'm learning rather poorly. instead of hacking all these blog pictures, i've started a cartoon, inspired by the mohammad thing, and as a way to improve my limited visual skills. it will be published as I see fit. sorry for the hacks. just learning.

Tuna said...

In discussions with Pat Buchannon regarding a run for White House 08. Nelson seems on board as secretary of energy. Satiric cartoons only proves the legitmacy of our campaign. Thank you, and please keep it up, Dr.

Dr. D said...

no worries. unless you completely reject the notion, images of all and everyone we know will be employed. the excerise is to get these done in under 2 minutes, from concept to publish. i'm only posting in cartoon form from here on in. i have found my blog calling.

sonny house said...

leave all s. house images off the blog- life is hard enough as it is

Dr. D said...

wimp. pick a stand in. an avatar, if you will.