14 November 2007

[dabrasha] wtf with the ban, asshat?
[licurgo] no files shared.................banned
[dabrasha] i have 3 songs. you want them they're yours
[dabrasha] grow up
[licurgo] vai tomar no cu
[dabrasha] va fan culo, cazzo
[dabrasha] get a life, and a girlfriend. spend your time on things that matter, not soulseek. that advice is free
[licurgo] sharing your files..........or BANNED!
[dabrasha] have you heard of a firewall, or are you as stupid as i think you are? add me to your list and do a file search if you want to share. you're kind of a cunt, ya know?
[licurgo] stupid is your mother, babaca.
[dabrasha] i'll pass that on to your mother when i'm done with her in the morning, capice?
[licurgo] italiano escroto, não enche. vai embora.
[dabrasha] hahahahahaha!
[licurgo] he he he , BANNED
[dabrasha] again, i'll let your mother know of your behavior in the morning. Right now, she's performing quite well...

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