Which is why Pissed Jeans may be Brannon's mutant hate child. To paraphrase Amherst Emily, they bring the dark slant. I sing along like it's the Looking Glass's "Brandy," and they ain't gonna make any 70's AM radio comps. But they touch a distant place in the rot corner of my teeming consciousness, and it's a spot that needs the occasional massage, or poker prod. Repetition, repetition, and groove groove groove, if your idea of groove is pounding the living shit outta the neighbor's cat at a steady tire iron beat. Even the slow atmospheric numbers work for me, like "The Jogger,"which, like several of their spurts, takes kidney shots at the bourgeois world I inhabit. I nod. I hate them too, and myself, probably, but I dance, and as disturbing as that image might be, it's the release that keeps me out of the papers. I gardened today with Pissed Jeans blasting on my Ipod.
I wonder if that would make them uncomfortable.
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