For once I'd like to thank Brian Sabean. Ray Durham is gone and if rumors mean anything, it appears Rich Aurillia and/or Omar will be out of here as well. I will try to stay focused on these deeply positive developments as the worst signing in baseball history pitches tonight, the $126M Barry Zito.
I picked up Black Sabbath's Masters of Reality lp for three bucks and my giddiness ended when I came home to find another copy already resting in my stacks.
Deep middle-age or collector scumdom?
It should be all kids all the time, Tuna, so your wish will come true. I'm gonna go flip that Gun Club record now.
Bradley, my copy of the new James Wood arrived. One beer gets you a rental.
I also left the oven on at 400 Fah. for the last 24 hours- will my house explode?
Deadwood Season 1 is far better than Deadwood Season 2. Two episodes into Season 3, mevaguelyremembersit as a comeback, urged mightily on by Al's "Tell your god to prepare for blood."
Generation Kill is growing on me. Ziggy is hilarious, and what band was he in that opened for Limp Biscuit? too lazy to do my own research...
through some flank steak in your oven to make jerky - it takes about 24 hours...
i'm afraid of james wood, but i'm garden-bound around 5pm if you're feelin thirsty...
I've got the boys for the next 2 1/2 weeks, so I'm tied down.
Now reading on Wood's authority- Zeno's Confession- like Ford and Hamsun according to the anointed one, Svevo is supposed to be a master of the unreliable narrator. The first twenty pages are about his futile attempts to quit smoking for thirty years, which he rationalizes in charming ways.
They tweaked the pitching rotation so he wouldn't have to pitch against the Brewers, who are among the NL's best. That allowed him to pitch against the league's worst Nationals. I know you're joking, but its just absurd what the Giants have to do to help out their $126M failure of a starting pitcher. I liked seeing the kids play, though.
Hey, I have to drop off my wife at the airport on Sunday for a her weekly flight to Dallas. This always leavs me blue. So how about a Sunday afternoon brew in the backroom of Mcnally's? We can swap Busted Lives backstage stories while the Gigantes play. Whatddya say?
you need to host an Alien Lanes listening party this Friday; i'll bring the nachos and olympia beer.
i'm busy on sunday but will buy you all the fried chicken you want at popeye's prior to the reatard/cheap time show...
I'm guessing they don't let children into that backroom, so I'm out- any and all are welcome here pretty much any time, as long as you bring child valium.
I ate an entire bag of kettle corn last night while riveted to the television set and subsequently tasted caramel working out this morning. That shit is the crack of snack foods.
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