25 November 2008
Not to be fucked with...


24 November 2008

19 November 2008

18 November 2008
Obama's first mistake
17 November 2008
The Happiest Fucking Place on Earth

Everywhere, apparently. The greatness of the Shark Tank was topped and topped again by the stupid joys of riding rides and not only because I got to tilt my head poetically as my kids got kiddie high from getting high- I forgot how much fucking fun it is to drop at high speeds into troughs of water or to put on purple 3-D glasses to have hornets attack your lumbar region or for sheer speed to exhilarate you to the point of stupidity. Fun fun. What a middle-aged concept. I loved the Muppets movie and laughed through the soaking log ride. I screamed in hysterics during the Indy ride and contemplated acid during Space Mountain. I waxed nostalgic during Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride and wept Soaring Over California. It was the cleanest fun I’ve had in ages. I don’t give a fuck about the Disney Nazi’s or the ridiculous food prices or the endless sea of fat chick tattoos. I was happy for 72 consecutive hours.
Pete Newell, 1915-2008.

This could be a great novel
That Nobel Prize person from Sweden was right. Our novelists are self-absorbed pussies.
Round up
This blog sucks lately; someone do something obnoxious or else kill it. I miss mass email communication. Barf.
15 November 2008
Don't mention the war...
14 November 2008
13 November 2008
11 November 2008
Get with it, man!
The Feeling of Love is for Oblivian fans. Except they're French. Crazy ass distorto blues stuff.
Magnetix are also French and a part of the whole current frog p-rock scene. Except they're more moody and dare I say it, atmospheric.
Movie Sar Junkies are wops from Turin who are similiar to Magnetix.
Brimstone Howl and Forbidden Tigers are essentially the same bands with the same members. the Howl are kinda Kim Salmon-y and The Tigers are raw almost japanese like p-rock. These folks are from Union Station, Neb. So go fucking figure.
I got a big order in for a whole bunch of new stuff. At the end of the year I suggest we burn CDs with your favorite songs on each and trade them. It can be like the old mix tape thing.
10 November 2008
love and abasement
Even before the whoring revelations, Naipaul's first wife, a middle-class woman named Patricia Hale whom he'd met while he was a student on scholarship to England, had known about a prior mistress--but only because Naipaul himself decided one day to tell her, explaining the violent acts he enjoyed with the woman, some of them memorialized in photographs he brought along to aid the explanation.
The woman's name was Margaret Gooding, and Naipaul met her in 1972 in Buenos Aires. French's new biography of Naipaul, The World Is What It Is, quotes extensively from her letters: unbearable scrawls that read like clinical case studies drawn from the pages of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. She begs, moans, despairs, and pleads for Naipaul's "cruel sexual desires." She calls him her "god," her "black master." Her multiple abortions of his children sicken her, but she offers them up to him as proof of her love and abasement.
06 November 2008
Insert sexy Kate Winslet photo here...
In other news, in case you haven't used Google Books you need to get on it. A ton of public domain works scanned into .pdf and available for naught. Not that I'd ever pay for a digital book, but I do enjoy stealing; plus I really need 6 versions of The Moon and Sixpence. David Thomson knows more about film than I do and he has a new book out, a companion to his NBDOF. This one is about individual movies, more in depth than Kael's 5001 Nights. I'm not paying $40 for a book, but I will steal it when available.