Can't we just anoint Apache king of Glam Hill and get on with the show? The single destroyed all breathers and now the record, for all its rear view mirrorisms, can't worm its way off the turntable. This is fun rock, gentlemen. A soundtrack for the Graduate if Tuna owned and the uncles came by for calamari. Embrace the big sound and stop looking for worn grooves. Rock ran out of ideas thirty years ago, so if you care about the genre you only care if it sounds good. This does. Not each track. It ain't no classic. But thirty minutes later all three littluns are dancing and the pain in my back is background and tomorrow is just another day. The fun sound for Friday night. Get it on.
I got depressed because my back went bad this afternoon so I stopped in to Cato's for a pint with my afternoon prep (The Sun Also Rises, again) and sitting in the corner was Dr. Frank, formerly of the Mr. T Experience and current author of an award winning teen fiction book. He had gained about 25 pounds and lost a good chunk of hair but there was the Groovie Ghoulies t-shirt and the black Chuck Taylors, the Ipod on, the laptop plugged in, and everything was grooving like it was 1986, just a little slice of nostalgia on a Piedmont afternoon.
I had a Blind Pig, fortune seekers, and Brett is still a whore, Bradley.
Is Cato's the new Barclays? Brad and I had a beer before the USF Cal game at Henry's. I like that place too when there arent 5K people in there. But by all means, we should never go to The Kona Tiki Hut.
Hey can you burn a cd with Apache on it? I got The Forbidden Tigers, Movie Star Junkies and Mystery Girls lp on order. If Ya want any of those.
Cato's sucks, but it's convenient- they have good beer, anyway.
Can't burn Apache cuz I only have it on vinyl. I've been trying to download it to no avail
reading TSAR in late fall? that's harsh; it's a summer book. barclays is lame this time of year - no patio action. henry's wins out so far, but trappist visits must come soon...
I can make digital files from casettes. Can I borrow your Iggy/Stooges casette for an hour or so?
the course is chronological, so they get the Sun when they get it
Tony, can you burn from vinyl, as that would probably sound a hell of a lot better- that cassette I have is a dubbed over a storebought Steely Dan tape from the 70's.
just downloaded guns n' roses "chinese democracy"; odds i'll enjoy it are about 7:1.
yes I can burn from vinyl. Let me pick up the records next week.
Dow down 11% THIS WEEK. S&P has rolled back to 13 year low. So basically all the gains for over a decade have been wiped out. Treasuries are selling at NEGATIVE yields after transaction fees. That means investors are willing to lend to the govt at a loss rather than buy stocks. Pure fear. You will never retire!
snarky snark nskark; pretty spot on, though
I barely made it through five songs this morning. Almost as bad as the last Stooges record.
Cornrows= bad music every time
Make a note of it
brad, did you go to looney's?
ah yes; pulled pork north carolina sandwich. outfuckinstanding. we did not share a beer bong however. eight pints, $20, i think it was...
I just looked that place up on yelp- people either love it or hate it, apparently, but everybody agreed the service sucked- how was yours, Bradley?
sat at the bar; it was fine.
i hate yelp.
i hate yelp too. the service sucks, but the girls who are waitressing there were probably not hired for their skills
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