I decided to walk in the cemetary this afternoon, perhaps precipitated by the Oblivians Play Nine Songs With Quinton blasting in my headphones, or maybe just multiple injuries, a recent landmark birthday or the cold, dry weather doing wonders for my thinning hair- who's to say, but the air was fresh and the grounds seemingly endless as I gazed up that big green hill at the rich folks' mausoleums staring down like the Capulets and Montagues were still battling for supremacy in altitude. Thought I might feel a tad guilty for exercising where others mourn but that concern was quickly assuaged when the first car I passed had a young woman with her pink All Stars sticking out the window and her eyes buried in a book- daddy's favorite? Not a minute later I spied a middle-aged woman looking around suspiciously while her dog peed on a tree. I saw no doggy bag in her hand, so I suggest you tread carefully on your next Sunday afternoon visit. Ever spent a considerable time looking at tombstones? Can never tell the motivations/reasons behind the size and shape of each one. Does height alone equate to the love your family felt for you? Do they just have the cash to buy off the guilt for leaving you in a rest home those last twenty years? Should the giant ones really be placed next to the puny ones? How does that make the loved ones visiting the puny ones feel? Cheap? Inferior? Unequal in the eyes of God? Or can they spin it Christian fashion, making the buyers of large tombstones rich men who will never make it into heaven? By that logic, an unmarked grave is the ticket upstairs, a true sign of ascetic discipline, even posthumously. These are confusing questions for you believers. I hope you're thinking about them and notifying your attorneys accordingly.
The last folks I saw on the way out were two older gentlemen wearing cameras around their necks, presumably to confirm the bitches were still dead, perhaps a Yuletide tradition followed by celebratory beers and pool games at the Kerry House. I then saw a sign advertising the mortuary had their own radio station for Xmas music- why would a mortuary get its own radio station for anything besides communicating with the dead? I thought my metaphysical confusion had reached a peak but there were two picketers outside the big building on the other side of the gate protesting unfair labor practices in the crematorium. Let your mind wander on that one for awhile.
frank norris is buried there i think; i'd like to see that someday.
happy holidays, ladies. see you in the new year!
I may have mentioned this before, but when I die I want a really, really large ostentatious headstone with the enscription "GO BIG OR STAY HOME"
Merry Christmas everybody.
I want one of those house tombs, you know what I mean? It gotta roof, walls and a door. You can fit like 4 people's remains in there and maybe a wet bar.
You are hilarious, Chriso.
Merry Xmas from butt ass cold Chicago Illinois. Tomorrow we leave for Argentina. I will be posting, of course.
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