The full length of Nebraska's Forbidden Tigers is raw as hell garage rock. Nothing that is going to reinvent the wheel, but after a few spins I must say its connecting. Just a very solid collection of primitive guitar wreckage.
When are we going to have our year end fave records? I'm ready if you are.
I'll try to get it together- I haven't been able to sit, so my computer time is extremely limited. Did see a doctor today about shooting a giant needle into my lumbar region, so hope perhaps on the horizon.
Danced (well, choregraphed?) with Amy to the entire Nobunny record last night, so that is clearly a contender for the top spot.
Is anybody depressed, or is that too much navel-gazing? I can't get my fucking shoes on for the love of fucking Christ
Yeah, I am fighting the blues. This unemployment thing is a drag. No end in sight, keep trying though. And my heartburn is set off by spicy food all the time now, which sucks.
Did you read the interview with Hoorts Geer (sp?) in the Journal this weekend? Dutch politician who states plainly that Western civilization is better than Islamic civilization and that Muslims must assimilate culturally or get the fuck out.
yea, I'm amazed you've held up so well- my unemployment stretches have been some of the hardest times
Do you drink coffee? Once I quit that, my heartburn went away, but everybody is different. I'm assuming you've experimented with different remedies...
Do you have a link for that Dutch piece? Clearly, in Holland that is a minority opinion.
by the way, did you say 'the Journal'? Your wife is clearly your best psychoanalyst
Here is the link for the Journal article. My spelling wasn't even close.
thanks- yea, I thought you meant Wilders, as he's been publicly denouncing Islam in strong language for years now. He' still alive, too
thanks- yea, I thought you meant Wilders, as he's been publicly denouncing Islam in strong language for years now. He' still alive, too
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