Dex and his sis have a new record out, which is grounds for huge excitement around these parts, if only to signal the possibility of another tour and to suggest the man's relative good health. One never knows. Big Sis Sara was the drummer for Let's Active and Snatches of Pink, and if memory serves the love interest in the Replacements' song, "Left of the Dial," so put that in the gee whiz file. Oh, and buy the damn record. Nobody does it better than Dex.
thank you
Dexter will be at Thee Parkside on April 9, which is a Thurdsay. Your attendance is required. He's playing at Thee Parkside.
Sounds swell. Count me in. He couldn't play the Hill ? Sad.
Missed you guys at WonderCom this weekend. Would've been cool to show you my Robin costume. The other boys really were supportive of me wearing tights.
Last time he played the Parkside was with John Schooley! I will be there..
How have last year's worst offenses fared in the offseason? The A's have added 65 home runs and 241 RBIs this offseason. The Giants have added 10 homers and 55 RBIs.
how did you know that lady was the muse for 'left of the dial'?
memory- read about it somewhere in the 80's- she and Paul used to be an item
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