I now do not believe I am capable of offering an opinion on a band until I have listened to them for at least a month. Case in point: Black Time. I blasted these guys last year, but their new lp Double Negative is the shit. Just a masterpiece of distorto blues and negative creep vibe. Listen to this with a clear head and open mind. It will impress.
Also currently enjoying the Guilty Hearts latest Pearls before Swine, The Hunches' Exit Dreams, a Strange Boys 45 entitled Isn't it Pretty and Pirate Love's Black Vodoun Blues. 2009 is starting off very solid.
I keep passing this up because there last one bored me, but I'll give it a shot.
How do you like The Hunches? In my most humble opinion, it is fabulous.
Love it. I was actually listening to it last night. Really, there is just a ton of great music out right now. The realtionship between tough times and great music seems as strong as ever.
obama compared the stimulus package to kennedy's race to the moon; remind me why i voted for this guy...
"change you can believe in" Followed by Tom Daschle, Hillary, Bill Richardson, Larry Summers and Timmy Geithner.
Is it possible to hit "reset?"
Will it stop raining this month? Will the state water officials ever stop complaining that it isn't enough and that were all going to die in a drought?
Ken, just got your package in the mail! Thanks for that. Looks interesting... Will start listening soon.
Sorry, but this state water thing has got my dander up...If we can pipe oil all the way from Alaska to the Lower 48, why can't we pump water around the US so there are never droughts?
Think about it. Every year at least one part of the country gets too much water. Usually its next to a river and involves trailer homes. Why not have a system which diverts the water in this area and sends it to where its needed?
Isnt that an infrastrucure play? Wouldnt that employ American people? Why the hell am I not President of United States?
Is it because I can't spell?
Let's just agree on The Hunches and leave it that.
What's the deal for Friday night?
Show starts at 9. I have no idea what is down there these days as its been awhile since I went drinking in SOMA. Let me check out the hood on my way back today. Then I'll let you know where we could meet breforehand.
Admit it, my water idea is fucking genius.
Ok, so we have some options...There is a Mexican restaurant up the street from Slims called Don Ramon's. I've been there, its good, really big and casual. We could grab a bite and get our drink on there before the show.
Or we could go to Wish (formerly Bobo's) or Holy Cow. These are bars at 11th and Folsom and right next to each other. There is even the re-opened Paradise on the corner, although I believe it is a glow stick waving dance place these days.
You could take BART, get to the Civic Center station, grab a cab and tell them to drop you off at 11th and Folsom. If show starts at 9, we could meet at one of these spots at say 7? We all have cell phones in case any one is lost or running late.
Whaddya say?
sounds good, but i may go earlier- it's been a hell of a two weeks.
Let's say 6:30-7 at Wish- good?
Bueno. Brad?
Brad has transcended cyberspace- you must call him on a rotary telephone
a wobbly. Interesting.
ok wish. anonosonny, wanna bart it over at 630?
OK- I'll meet you in front Rockridge BART at 6:30
I like fat girls who shake their asses on stage. Their butts are squishy and roll around a lot. It makes me feel warm inside.
I'm shopping for suits today- and hats- and lingerie
i have something to post, can someone send one of those invites to my new address, the thechrisowen@ gmail one?
just sent you an invite
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