I thought you fellows would enjoy this article as much as I did:
From Jon Savage's into:
"Johan's text captures Utrecht's furious intensity, and carefully isolates the different characters that make up this patchwork of human frailty and death-avoiding obsession. There is the snotty British psych dealer with his rack of perfect originals that, somehow, you just don’t want to buy; the rabid fan of a perversion so unlike yours that it doesn’t prevent an instant camaraderie. "
I particularly enjoyed the descriptions of Dutch fast food.

Personally, I just had my semi-annual Carl's Jr lunch and chose this:
The Kentucky Bourbon Six Dollar Burger™
A Charbroiled, 100% Black Angus Beef Patty, Two Strips of Bacon, Pepperjack Cheese, Garlic-Pepper Onion Straws, Lettuce, Tomato Slices and Kentucky Bourbon Glaze - Six Dollar Burger Shown.
The Kentucky Bourbon Six Dollar Burger™
A Charbroiled, 100% Black Angus Beef Patty, Two Strips of Bacon, Pepperjack Cheese, Garlic-Pepper Onion Straws, Lettuce, Tomato Slices and Kentucky Bourbon Glaze - Six Dollar Burger Shown.
I paid $9.11 for what they are calling the "Bourbon and Coke Combo" which included the Six Dollar Burger sized version, a large fries and a drink so large the cup has an undertow.
I stole that undertow joke from Dennis Miller's Off White Album http://www.amazon.com/Off-White-Album-Dennis-Miller/dp/B000002LFE which I own on CASSETTE
I stole that undertow joke from Dennis Miller's Off White Album http://www.amazon.com/Off-White-Album-Dennis-Miller/dp/B000002LFE which I own on CASSETTE
That is an amazing burger. Carl's Jr is IMHO the best of the large fast food buger chains. However, their decision in the 80s to no longer offer crinkle cut fries was devestating to this blogger. We already McDonald style fries, why eliminate a delicious market delineator like that?
Wow, I'm hungry right now.
I'll check out the record collector link. ChrisO, you woulda lost your shit at the rocknswap the other weekend. I mean hard core types who had paid extra to be there at 6AM on a Sunday. I bought Adam and the Ant's punky Dirk Wears White Socks from a 40 yo-ish guy who owned a record store in Studio City.
I mean, Jesus!
OMG. That article is completely off the charts hilarious and deeply pitiful. I can't believe I missed out on the WFMU Fair while I was in NY. My mother in law still lives there. Maybe I'll fly in during late October and check it out.
Wow. There are levels nerdiness and then there is a small door in back and you really go down into the basements of record collector hell/heaven and its evidently life altering.
Thank you, ChrisO. Thank you.
I went to the Utrecht fair a few times... What can I say when all has already been said.
Talk to me about the smell. It always seems like there is a certain musty, faintly piss like stench that comes with any sort of collector market.
The article's description of the horrors of Dutch fast food is pretty intense. Sonny, I've always considered you somewhat of a fast food expert. What's your international stance, fast food wise?
Personally, I don't think any non US nation has beaten the Mexican taco and burrito offering. And bonus points if its served from a truck.
It's me from Sydney, Australia (still coming down under in December??). And while we are at the topic of the horrors of Dutch fast food. You probably don't remember your drunken days in Nijmegen around Ken's wedding when you had your share of Dutch fast food... My god you have forgotten this so fast. Maybe it was your drunken state of mind that has wiped out all memories.
Don't you remember eating raw herring by the tail??
Is no one else surprised at Carl's Jr's "Bourbon and Coke" promotion?
Rein! Good to hear from you. Yes, I remember the herring. That was fancy food, not fast food. Although herring-on-a-stick does have potential as a fast food item.
What do people eat in Australia? God willing, we are still planning on visiting Oz after Xmas.
Yes, I am surprised by the bourbon and coke. way more edgy than I'd expect.
Carl’s Jr.
Most fast-food restaurants today are making at least some attempt to offset their bulging burgers and deep-fried sides with healthier options such as lean sandwiches or yogurt parfaits. But Carl's Jr. is swimming against the nutritional tide, trying to attract those with hearty appetites and less concern about fat, salt and calories. The lightest item on the breakfast menu, for instance, is the Hash Brown Nuggets—but even they have 21 grams of fat, and 5.5 of them are trans fats. (As a rule, you should try to get 2 grams or fewer of the stuff in an entire day!) The burgers are worse, and there's not a side on the menu that hasn't been given a long, bubbling bath in their trans-fatty frying oil.
thanks for posting this, Chris, but somehow I can only work up lather about the late-night Dutch grease bomb that natives rave about but which is really extraordinarily awful- frikandellen.
In a country where everybody is thin and riding their bikes to child care with baby in basket and toddler on wheel, it's purty amazing that late-night snack nirvana is microwaved spam in a hot dog bun. Rein, give me schwarma every time. Your aunt took me for the frick on that boat trip through Amsterdam when I peed in a public toilet with no doors or walls and even on Harm's puny boat I wanted to retch my afternoon and evening into the canal. If you must go late in Holland, please go schwarma, and never, ever go herring. Ever. Except on a bachelor part. By the river. At dusk.
Clearly, I must reconsider Carl's Jr. Too many freshman western bacon cheeseburgers put me off the CJ's for the past 26 years, except for the time I attempted to walk home from The Stork and was soliciting rides inside the CJ at 36th and Telegraph. I am still alive, so I must have a bourbon and coke with a bourbon and coke.
by the way, my least favorite hipster abbreviation is certainly 'natch.' Just knock it off, dude from Z-Gun. Thanks.
I agree with you totally. When I was back in the motherland I just had to have a Frikandel to appreciate it's nastiness and to know why I don't want to eat it. It's with McDonalds you try it and you are cured for some time.
On a drunken night food binge a shoarma has never ever let me down. I wish I had a shoarma place around the corner from where I live now. I would be a regular.
What is the Aussie late-night drunk grease of choice?
What is the Aussie late-night drunk grease of choice?
Wombat slider? Barumondi and chips?
when I was there, we just ate the big steak fries wrapped in butcher paper, but mostly we just kept drinking
It's a bit like that. There is the occasional burger and the meat pie. But mostly it's all about the intake! No time for eating. Only time for drinking.
Re Australian women attractive in general?
Well you can't be clearer than that.
what a disappointing answer- can I offer an counter response that borders on heresy- the ones I did were
Well of course there are nice women around, but on the scale you find them in Europe the answer couldn't be clearer than no. Most of the women are English stock, you all know what that is about, since being a former British colony and all...
"the ones I did were"
My God, who do you think you are? David Lee Roth?
Rein, thankfully most of the women in America are not of English stock. But I can appreciate what your saying. Too bad Australia wasn't settled by Swedes.
I believe 1% of Australia is made up of Swedish tourists at any given time, with 50% of those being topless on a beach on the Sunshine Coast. Let's all meet in Byron Bay next week and discuss demographics before jetting down to Melbourne for some rock at the Esplanade. That DLR trip down memory lane produced an itch.
Ken, got your message. Lets grab some records on Sunday. My Saturday is booked with family stuff. ChrisO and the reclusive Dr are of course invited.
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