Yeah, you wouldn't know it by the weather, but summer is here. The facts are undeniable:
The NBA season only has two weeks more to go!
In other cities girls are wearing really short things and people are drinking outdoors at night.
I'm going to Chicago twice this month to enjoy the city's few months of decent weather and a couple of 40th birthdays.
My little sister is graduating from high school on Thursday. This implies that at some point in the next year or so, I will have an excuse to visit a sorority.
When's that beer festival in Booneville? Who wants to go to Tahoe and raft in July? Lets see some Giants games!
Whaddya say?
the beer fest was three weeks ago
all sounds good
school will end
the skies will part
the world will open
my heart will lift
you dont 'raft'!
ha ha!
for the record, the grammar nazi is not me, for a change.
all nouns are now verbs, grammar nazi, so sayeth the MLA
I thought the the MLA was put to an end after that whole Patty Hearst thing?
Has anyone the new Jack-O record? I like it a lot. Sonny you were wrong when you said he couldn't play SF and similar cities 3x a year and make a living. I think you told me he cleans people's houses in Memphis for cash? That's nuts if true.
What is Greg Cartwright up to these days? Are the Gories and cheater slicks gonna make it out here for a show? Can anyone name me one shit hot band I need to hear? Seems like 2009 sucks rocknroll wise so far.
Bring on the heat! I want summer!
MLA- Modern Language Association
I too like Jack O's new one- the man makes damn solid records- mr. dependable
The Reigning Sound have a new record coming out at the end of June.
The Gories are doing a reunion tour with the Oblivians in Europe all summer.
In the Red is releasing the demos of the Cheater Slicks' Don't Like You (before Jon Spencer funked it up)some time in the next year. I do not know about plans to play out here.
I cannot name any bands that you would consider "shit hot." I like the new Dan Melchior double, and I had a very pleasant experience with The Equals just now. Summer music if there ever was such a thing. I love the King Tuff record from late last year, but I doubt you'd dig it for reasons that would be beyond me.
Might I suggest pulling out The Dirtys? That always makes me feel like punching an animated character in the face.
jack does indeed, work for two chicks and a brrom here in memphis, it's one of those very musician friendly jobs, that you can come and go from. jsut got the new album haven't had a chance to digest it but if you like his other stuff this is no differant. UV Race's new album will be great, got a pre-release copy. got rough mixes for james arthur album which sounds great, though, i'm "invested" in it. i'm not sure how this sigh in will come up but i started a blog, mainly for the oz tour but there is a sample of the artwork for the album up now. this is bruce though it may say tom jones
For the record, the MLA thing was my attempt at a joke. My grammar may suck, but I was teacher once.
And a bank robber.
Bruce/ Tom. Didn't I read that the Oz is suing Tommi Iommi or something? I will check out the other records, though. Been to Gus's recently for fried chicken? Yummy.
Oh and I am 100% in for detroit Michigan to catch the Gories abd Dirtbombs. Call you tonight about that, Sonny.
haven't been to gus's for awhile but golden boys and spider bags are coming in for the fourth of july so we'll probably go then and eat down on the grounds of the metal museum
hey mr. jones, any idea where I can score a ticket or tickets for the memphis oblivians shows?
hey mr. jones, any idea where I can score a ticket or tickets for the memphis oblivians shows?
there's been a rush of people looking, best i could suggest is keep an eye on the goner board, they have been popping up and then gone in a day, but could be more from people who bought them early and can't go now as it approaches. otherwise, there will be some available at the door,20 to 50, would be my guess. i only bought for me and my wife for friday night, but tom ex dirtbombs is staying sat night so we might end up back on sat if he can get guest list but i'm not counting on it
that wouldn't be Mr. Potter from Bantam Rooster fame, would it? I thought he was in some new band with Spider in the name, but I haven't seen any releases. I miss the Rooster.
I'll check the Goner board- thanks for the advice
yes, the same, new band is called chrome spiders, but also did detroit city council and seger liberation army
yea, I liked that Seger Liberation Army stuff, but never the City Council.
Are the Chrome Spiders going to release anything?
if i remember correctly they have something coming out on big neck records, possibly released last weekend(?)city council had some french disco label, can't remember the name, my copies were just cd=r from tom
meant to say I never heard the Detroit City Council, not that I didn't like them- I heard it was funky or soulful or, yea, something along those lines. Listened to Fuck All Y'All in the car on the way home from work. Not my favorite, but "Dealbreaker" got me to a liquor store.
That's a win.
meant to say I never heard the Detroit City Council, not that I didn't like them- I heard it was funky or soulful or, yea, something along those lines. Listened to Fuck All Y'All in the car on the way home from work. Not my favorite, but "Dealbreaker" got me to a liquor store.
That's a win.
red hot alert
a couple tix just went up
Turns out I can't go. I have 2 tickets for both Friday and Saturday. E-mail if interested:
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