Joey Chestnut, left, of San Jose, Calif., defending champion of the Nathan's Famous July 4th Hot Dog Eating Contest, celebrates his victory over former champion Takeru Kobayashi of Nagano, Japan, Saturday, July 4, 2009, in New York. Chestnut logged his third consecutive win in Coney Island's annual hot dog eating contest with a world-record 68 franks. He never trailed during the contest. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)
The arm raised in victory, the ecstatic blonde cheerleader, the approving cops.......just perfect.
This country is coming back. I can feel it.
the only true Americans live in Montana- I've never seen so many Tea Party t-shirts in all my life, and every TV is tuned to Fox. Only angry white folks in small towns are true Americans, and Sarah is coming on her chariot...
Montana is for liberals. Idaho is where the real conservatives are!
Seriously, Frank Rich's last column bugged me. He takes a little bit too much joy railing against white Christian rural folks without me believing it makes his urban Jewish self feel better about itself. I think Rich is a bit like Friedman in that respect. They are bright guys and good writers. But they'd be even better if they spent some time outside Manhattan. Not everyone is a dope or Palin supporter just bc they live in the middle of America, believe in God and are conservative in their views.
Have anyone of you ever been to Missouri???
I ate Sausage in Sedalia- does that count?
places I have never been...Missouri, the Dakotas, Iowa, Nebraska, Indiana, Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, Kentucky, West Virginia, Alaska and anywhere near the Sunol Grade.
I ate at a Waffle House in Georgia once.
You haven't lived until you've stood at the foot of Cornhusker stadium. It's like being in Rome in 112 BC. Got a speeding ticket in Delaware. In their quaint procedure, you get tracked by an unmarked car that signals a cop who stops his car on the side of the road, gets out, and waves at you to pull over. I had no clue and kept speeding past, so the guy gets in his car, pulls me over, drags me out of the car and throws me across his hood. Only the production of my license and much bitchy whining got me out of his backseat. Never did pay that ticket. Worked for a drilling company in Alaska. They hated me. We'd go to a restaurant and the hostess would ask, "How many?" and they'd say, "Three, and a dog." Humbling. Won the junior sectionals at the Castlemont Country Club in Pleasanton- I LOVE THE SUNOL!!!
You've done some living, man.
Nebraska sucks. Their program hasnt been the same since they stopped cheating and allowed convicts like Laurance Phillips be part of the team.
I did gorge in an all-you-can-eat KFC in Nebraska. Superlative.
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