It's always interesting when the Warriors and Sharks are on at the same time, because the remote's previous button illustrates that only one Bay Area professional team is on television. The Warriors went into Phoenix and Nellie was hyping the game with Tom and Ralph as a chance for his young'uns to establish themselves. Glaring tell- Steve Nash had 20 assists, and the W's had 16. After the sixth turnover in what seemed like the first minute, I switched over to deep into Comcast cable land to catch the Sharks hosting the NHL's hottest team, the Colorado Avalanche. Tape to tape is what they call it, or for the haters, boom boom boom went the passes from stick to stick, like Disney had choregraphed the damn thing. Swirling movement with method to the madness and people showing up where they're supposed to and pucks arriving in the right place and damn if it didn't look like good old fashioned German efficiency. Flip back and Ass Jack is launching a three after receiving the first delivery of the possession. Clank. And so it goes. W's lose by 22. Sharks stop the Avalanche, 3-1.
So the Comcast pre-game pundits were talking about the Warriors starting at least 7-2 with their "easy" schedule. They are now winless in two games. Time to put the hope back in the chest, put down the bottle and pick up the Boethius- only this ain't Dame Fortuna's damn fault. Sometimes the only real consolation is to point the finger.
Does anybody know where Cohan lives? I got me some leftover bricks from the kiln incident last week.
So the Comcast pre-game pundits were talking about the Warriors starting at least 7-2 with their "easy" schedule. They are now winless in two games. Time to put the hope back in the chest, put down the bottle and pick up the Boethius- only this ain't Dame Fortuna's damn fault. Sometimes the only real consolation is to point the finger.
Does anybody know where Cohan lives? I got me some leftover bricks from the kiln incident last week.
The Warriors will need at least half a season to find themselves. Which of course neither Jackson or Nellie has the patience or character to endure. I just ran past Cohan's brick pile on Jackson St. I curse him loudly as I pass it. What an ASS.
Can someone confirm for me that we live in America. After a 6 Bay Bridge outage and what seems like year 30 in the new Bay Bridge construction, I am beginning to doubt this is the land that whooped the Nazis and Japanese and then rebuilt both. We suck.
In other news, it appears hard times have come to the Marina. My house search this weekend revealed many "motivated" sellers. I was told by an agent that these are yuppies who have lost their jobs and now must sell their homes. Quite sad, honestly. These are real people with families.
I am playing a beer pong tourney is San Jose Friday night. I will "represent" as they say in the chocolate city. Besides, there is no way I'm letting some clowns from Oracle beat me. No way.
Go Sharks.
Oracle people and beer pong? I'm deeply confused. But why you're down ther, convince their king to buy the Warriors. Maybe that would help.
Hey, how's this for a saturday? I drop off my amp in your basement and then we retire over to the Kingfish for a pop and watch the Cal game at 4?
I'm still working on scheduling for Saturday- let me get back to you on this one
Please. I need a cold one at the fish.
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