Last year, it seemed like East Bay upstarts ruled the roost. This year, it's old faithfuls. Maybe I don't get out enough, and who can blame me. Nothing really blew the top of my head off, so numbering these is crazy. But hey, I still love a list, so...
13. Snakeflower 2- to be honest, I'm not sure if it came out this year, but it's the same guy who did the Bare Wires, and I like this one better.
12. Strange Boys- And Girls Club- I hear more Dylan than Black Lips ripoff, no matter what the peanut gallery spew. Sounds more like lethargic stoners sitting around a high school camping trip fire, pulling out the geetarz after burning a few and miraculously pumping out the goods.
11. The Mantles- S/T- this one took me awhile, but the echo-laden 60s pop in a tunnel grows slowly in the deep memory recesses that determine what you think is your next freely chosen record.
10. Dan Melchior und Das Menace- Thank You Very Much- my least favorite of his for quite awhile still makes the top ten because the man is aggressively interesting on each release. It's no O Clouds Unfold, but then what is?
9. The Hunches- Exit Dreams- this should probably be higher, but it's hard to play the Hunches regularly in a house full of small children, and if I'm really honest with myself, I just don't enjoy this as much as the first one or the singles. I love the way they went out, though, taking chances and leaving names. What a great fucking band.
8. The Fresh and Onlys- S/T- what a kooky brood of locals-I'll leave it to more creative minds to categorize these fellas, but I frolic through pastel fields of flame every time I put this on. Let your flashbacks take you back to that Newport jetty where God once existed and all the hairy girls breathed fire.
7. Dex Romweber Duo- Ruins of Berlin- if I had made this in June, Dex would reign, but a strong second half of releases dropped him down. Is there anyone else who can move a middle-aged man to salty puddles quite like Dexter live? Don't answer that, ya bastard, and buy the damn record. He's earned that much, at least.
6. Girls- Album- In the year of 2009 it's silly to use the word 'derivative' to describe a rock n roll band. Yes, these guys rape the Beach Boys and the JAMC and pick your third to make the list. This is still one of the catchiest records of the year, and the one I played the most over the last several months. Opening track may be the single of the year, in your feyest moments.
5. Jack-O and the Tennessee Tearjerkers- The Disco Outlaw- I love everything about this guy, and this record delivers some of his greatest songs. He still, sadly, has not delivered an entire record of winners, but this gets closer. "Walk of Shame" gets a little too close to home, but every time I listen to Jack I feel my own crimes somehow pale in comparison, and that is a public service worth noting.
4. Reigning Sound- Love and Curses- this might be his least immediate, but once you get past the knee-jerk huh, it's pretty clear the songwriting is there and the man has delivered again. I root for Jack more, but Greg remains the more consistent songwriter. That said, ain't it great to have both of them making records? And how many four-record runs would you put up against Reigning Sound's? Really, I'm asking.
3. Dinosaur Jr.- Farm- I doubt in five years I'll think this is better than "Love and Curses," but I listened to this more, so there it is. Rock's greatest second act of the last 25 years continues with what is pure pleasure from start to finish. Nothing reaches the heights of Living All Over Me, but 50 minutes of singalong don't suck. I'm still holding out for J v. Lou UFC pay per view, though, and tell me I'm not alone.
2. The Dutchess and the Duke- Sunset/Sunrise- if this were a horse race, these guys lose by a nose(OK, I went to the track on Sunday and lost badly, even on Dollar Sunday where everyone is a winner- even my 6-year old did better than I did- fuck). This may be even better than the shockingly good first album, and I'm not sure I've even digested it fully. The songwriting is extraordinary, and the arrangements are wonderfully complex with the subtle hand of Greg Ashley at the controls. Is this the most successful transition from one style of music to another? Really, I'm asking.
1. Pissed Jeans- King of Jeans- I didn't really like AmRep all that much when they were around, but these guys just hit the right places. I've loved all their records, but this one goes harder and longer and deeper, Cartman, to win the big prize. Congratulations, boys!
BTW...is that a young Pete Townsend in the picture?
Pissed Jeans dude
When will the Tiger stuff stop? I'm just asking.
sorry, i've been trying to avoid posting since drunken golden boys, but i would say their new album, spider bags, uv race are among my top. love jack-o's new one, but just can't seem to get behind gregs(reigning)melchior was awesome when i saw him last year, but one of those people i just can't seem to get into the albums. if you like him, i would imagine you will like the limes album coming out(next year?) on goner, i'm excited about (i think i will be getting for xmas) the mission of burma reissues
haven't really heard girls, but magic kids will be touring with them and they are definately worth checking out, 1 7" on goner, the next on some undetermined label, rough trade(?)
ha! drinking and posting, the perfect combo for a little morning pang of regret- been there too many times.
Just got the new Golden Boys, but I don't get it yet. Loved them live.
I heard the UV Race single and liked it, but haven't seen the record yet.
Don't know the Spider Bags.
Drop the big dime for Melchior's O Clouds Unfold and I'm betting you'll finally get him. Send me your address and I'll send you a very discounted copy.
i can't see a email for you, mine is bashlee67 at gmail, maybe icould swap you a uv race and ooga boogas for the melchior
Tom, thanks for posting. I am always curious what people other than Sonny and I listen to.
ha, that's pretty much the reason i started reading this.
spider bags are on birdman records, there are probably some samples on their website. i would start with their first album, great "country/punker" similar to golden boys, who they regularly tour with
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