Cry baby Jesus freak jerk gets smoked on national TV and cries. Where's your God now, Mr. Missionary? Meanwhile Cincy pulls out a thriller against Pitt in the last seconds during a snow storm and their coach tells Notre Dame, "I'm not interested in your coaching job." The Oregon and Oregon State game was frickin classic Thursday night. I'm praying Texas loses tonight which will totally screw up the BCS and Obama will force a playoff system by Presidential decree. Oh yeah!
yep, had me cracking up, if nebraska's kickoff was in bounds they win, sheeit
I know that kickoff had me doing a Homer Simpson "DOH!" And then the personal foul...I dont even have anything against Texas. Although the fact that their QB is named Colt McCoy is a bit rich. Really, I just wanted a complete cluster fuck so once gain the BCS would be revealed to be a broken system.
Why are your Bears such schizophrenic psychos? What's next, the Hi Ho Crackers Pineapple Bowl? Is it too much to ask 19-year olds to be models of athletic consistency?
I think 19 yos are by nature inconsistent. Where a coach proves himself is by forcing talented unpredicatable kids to play without mistakes play after play. Tedford has done a lot for the program. But he has never delivered this type of consistency. Even more troubling is the fact that the rest of the Pac 10 has gotten better...Oregon, OSU, Stanford, even WA and UCLA. I'm really wondering if this season is the tipping point where other teams take off and CAL gets left behind. Its been a good run, but it might be time to change CAL's coach.
I was joking about consistency.
Cal's pre-Tedford era record speaks for itself- hasn't he legitimized the program? Are you suggesting he simply can't get them over the top to that elite level? Are you willing to risk consistently 'just good' seasons for a shot at the top?
I hear Charlie Weis is available.
I want to a Rose Bowl appearance!
hey, check this out...
Check out the excuses offered by BCS apologists. They make no sense and are so transparent as to make one laugh at loud. I even heard the BCS hired Ari Fliescher as a flack. Ari you will recall was last employed trying to explain another fundamentally flawed enterprise called The George W Bush White House. Sheer comedy.
Here's praying the vote goes off well this week.
What is Professor Griff's take? Have the Bomb Squad been informed of this gross mistake? Outrageous!
by the way, when I came through the Caldecott this morning after too many Racer 5s at last night's shindig from hell, the East Bay hills were covered in snow, and somehow the incessant shrill white noise from last night's dinner faded into oblivion and the world was made new again.
tebow related
That is awesome, Tom!
I think it should snow more often out here. Make it like the rest of the country. Cold weather and snow builds character and leads to increased alcohol consumption.
Go Sharks!
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