Product tilted heavily toward 60s psych, vintage soul and 70s obscuro rock. I managed to pick up original copies of CCR's Green River, Led Zep II, Stones' Emotional Rescue, Stray Cats' first ($4!) and in a nod to St. Valentine, The Style Council's first with Your the Best Thing That Ever Happened (1st song, side 2). I played it for my wife when I got home. She asked me if I was gay.
No seriously, she dug it. And then asked if I was going to buy her something really nice for Valentine's. Like a Duran Duran import. Some people, you know?
Anyways, I think I'm going to go to all of the KUSF shows seeing as I live here, wanna support college radio and dig coming home with a bunch of dusty old vinyl. Plus the people watching is priceless.
Gorgeous day in the city and my sickness has lifted (sort of). So I walked up and over to check out my mother-in-laws new pad on Nob Hill and the surrounding hood. Pretty cool grocery store on Leavenworth, a few restaurants, the PUC and a lot of dirty Chinatown tenement buildings. This is The Comstock, sort of where your folks pad is, Sonny.
Anyway, the record bug grabbed me again and I found myself in the basement of that insane place in No Beach going through like 30K records that cost $5 each. Lynard Skynard's first, some Pretenders EP that goes back to when James Honeyman Scott was still in the group with the bassist who also OD'd, the Baby's greatest hits, Pete Frampton, a little Billy Idol, English Beat, a really old Jerry Lee Lewis lp with What Made Milwaukee Famous on it...think its a country album, and an INXS lp for the wife (no, really).
That place is amazing. I know I've talked about it in past posts, but its just stunning how much great crap they have in there...old stereos, eqs, mixers, guitars, drum sets...its like Sanford and Son for old rock and rollers.
Took the 41 bus home with some cute girls heading back to the Marina. Well, most of them were cute. The one in front of me was a little portly and looked like she had been up all night doing things that made her sweaty. Tramp.
I'm ready to go back to work!
you're a busy little financial beaver. Saw Paul Volker on Fareed Zakaria's show this morning and I thought, there, that is the crusty old bastard I had always envisioned saying no to all the bullshit going on in the financial services industry.
Sadly, he was not the crusty old guy in a position to rip those fucking traders a new one and get them their fucking bartending jobs. He actually said that it might be nice if America actually started making something again, but then offered that American politics is so dysfunctional (his word) that any move in that direction will probably be blocked by legislation no one understands.
Crazy Heart made me cry this afternoon, but then again, what doesn't these days?
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