Holy Shit! Oakland has a new punk rock high brow beer palace. Oxymoron city. 12 ounce jars of 12%ers I kid you not. And within walking distance of The Trappist. And they have a drinking patio with wooden benches. And you can buy top tier shit and open it there and drink it. On a Friday afternoon. Meet new friends. Try new things. In Oakland. Beer Revolution at 464 3rd St. between Broadway and whatever. The Meices are fucking proud.
Just throwing it out there... Have you ever considered what Oakland would be like if it had great leaders? That town would rock.
Let's check out the scene later in March. I'm nursing my wife after her amnio whateever, and then Im off to spring training in on Thursday.
I'm back. After finding out we are having twin girls, I've spent the past two days taking care of wife-y. Suddenly, Im running around fetching thai green curry and reading up on preschools. Our house hunt continues as no one in SF is selling since they know the floor has given way. But there might be light at the end of the tunnel. I'm tired, really tired. I can't wait till I get to AZ for spring training on Thursday.
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