Drinking with the Jews is a genuine pleasure.
Music: The Hives- Tyrannosaurus Hives- I may be one of the last folks left who still thinks the Hives are fantastic, the last album excepted. They have that extra something in their songs that scrunch up your face in a good way, and they want it all live. Unabashedly ambitious and completely over-the-top, the antidote to embarrassed modern rockers embarrassed to break the cool code. Ignore the last album. Go back. There's gold in them there hills.
Tired: of Lindsay Vonn and the rest of the drama crew. Shins, pinkies and bumped feelings- ladies, take a cue from Dan Boyle- when the Russian serves you injustice, take action on the Russian.
Manball- see Dan Boyle, the Sharks' only hope.
Choke Artist- Nabby. Laying down in the biggest game of the new century does not bode well for Sharks fans. Even Boyle's balls can't save 'em if Nabby is emotional toast.
Boom: if you haven't seen Ovechkin lay out Jagr, get thyself to Youtube. Stay retired, bitch.
Slow: the Giants' entire team. Audrey Huff sounds like a daytime slut, and Timmy looks more like a vampire every day, which may explain a few things.
MIA: Joe Thornton, who looks more like Lenny from Of Mice and Men than the league's perennial leading scorer. Or maybe Lenny from Laverne and Shirley. See: Sharks lose in first round again.
Godhead: Pliny the Younger, the greatest beer I've had in ages. Coming in at a modest 12% and tasting like the end of the world. If you missed it, you have something wonderful to look forward to.
Overrated: at least so far, Wells Tower's first collection of short stories, Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned, which so far reads like minor Thom Jones. With three to go there is time for redemption, but I'm betting on Jones, hoping for Tower.
Disappointing: Soccernomics, which I hoped would spur an early interest in World Cup but offers little of the fun of Moneyball or Freakonomics, the two books that gave these guys a deal. Teams who shoot first in the shootout win 60% of the time- that's the most interesting take so far, unless you count the tidbit that scouts overrate blondes because they stand out on the field.
New Records: Kiss- Double Platinum- three bucks and nay a scratch.
Flamin' Groovies-Slow Death-one bad cassette turned me off these guys for years and it's only lately that I've seen the light. Funny how often timing means everything when it comes to getting a band. Anyway, go Norton, cuz it's one dance party until the Sharks lay down again.
keep thinking that picture of lenny is mike mccarthy- only picture of him i could find
i ran into the same problem with the groovies but know have just about everything. the double from munster records really turned my head around, i think it was called red star tapes(?)
Have lots to add, but later this weekend. Going to the hospital right now. When we leave, it will be clear if we are havings girls, boys or one of each.
Feeling like I should be more nervous, but for some reason I am not.
when I first heard the Groovies I was such a narrow-minded punk guy that they just sounded like lightweight 50s party music. I've sinced amended that opinion. Some of it still sounds a bit hokey, but it's harder than I remember and some of the hooks are huge.
Is Mike McCarthy the guy who did those low-rent punker biker flicks?
Tony, please report back on the gender thang. Inquiring minds and all.
by the way, I went to straight to Barclay's after the sonogram showed girl with Amy. Damn, were we stupid and risky, but ain't she now sweet?
2 girls! Really excited but afraid that this will mean I might actually have to watch a WNBA game at some point. And buy a shotgun, pay for two weddings, spend a shitload on clothes, ..... but we are both very happy.
keep the girls away from mccarthy, memphis' leading exploitation director
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