3-0, can you dig it? I don't care how bad Houston is. 3-0. Say it with me. Let hope burn a lazer through that wizened skin and zap a crater in those cynical jowls. Why not this year? Why not? Aaron Rowand will only swing at that third strike in the dirt every fourth at-bat. Edgar Renteria looks like an Atlanta Brave. The Panda looked like he sucked until I saw he was hitting .308. Audrey Huff has strong facial hair. Mark DeRosa's face is a big hit with my wife and he even hit an opposite field homer. John Bowker is also very handsome and he jacked a two-run shot. Bengie Molina is extremely fat but smashed several RBIs in game one. Juan Uribe is a freak of nature who owns the left-center field wall and the lovelies above. Eli Whiteside finally took Anderson Cooper's advice and cut the premature gray hair short. Freak, Zito and Cain dealed. Bullpen covered all bets. Bochy's head looks smaller. Jon Miller's lost weight. Krukow looks off death's door. Travis Ishikawa is not in the lineup and when he appeared in a meaningless game (the only kind in which he belongs) he hit a one-handed homer. Read that sentence again and tell me this isn't the year. OK, Brian Sabean just bought a duplex in the Marina and is expecting twins in the fall.
It's time. Eat your jaded naysaying raw.
The Giants have looked very good. Even Zito. I will enjoy this while it lasts. I will enjoy today, with an over priced beer and the sun on my back.
But I still don't trust Brian Sabean. He will find a way to fuck this up.
HEy, what was the name of that 90s garage, p-rock book that is coming out this summer? I think I pre-ordered it, but I forgot its name. It was written by some scenester.
we never learn by Eric Davidson(singer from new bomb turks)
BTW...where in the HELL did this photo come from?
that picture came from google. Juan Uribe- fun lover
You are going to Opening Day? Good for you. I just got back from Tahoe where I graded papers all day while kids skied. I have had exactly zero fun during Spring Break, unless you count watching the Sharks and Canucks duke it out last night wild times.
And a couples shower? We need to have a word.
I'm really looking forward to that Davidson book. I just hope he gets out of the way and tells tales. He's an older man now so hopefully he tones down the prose.
Would somebody recommend a new band? Other than Eddy Current, I can't seem to find a new one to latch on to.
hmm, i'm on the aussie kick in a big way right now and haven't been buying much, but i'm going to get the harlan t bobo cd today.
I hear you on the new band front. I have bought a lot of records during 1Q10 and exactly zero were by new bands. This makes no sense to me. I am of the opinion that somewhere in the world there is always a new great rock n roll band...Aussie, NZ, UK, Ireland, US, Canada, continental Europe, japan, etc. There are just too many 20 somethings int he world banging on guitars. Amazingly, the internet hasn't really helped me learn about these bands. Termbo comes out 2x a year it seems, smashing transistors is like a marketing piece for the state of Michigan, and Goner message board is more likely to debate the merits of the Cozy Corner's ribs than some shit hot rnr outfit from France.
My wife is in Chicago attending a shower being thrown for her. I am alone. I think I am going to Redwood city to check out a record store I hav heard of called The Record Man. It is in a house on the El Camino. This may be one of the last times I will get to do something as selfish and deeply nerdy as this. Report to come.
why don't you head on over tonight? I need to get out.
And Mr. Jones, do you have any Aussie record recs besides the Witch Hats, UV Race and ECSR? I like all of those in ascending order, but I'm all ears for more. Say, the bastard sons of Beasts of Bourbon?
just got a big batch of 7"s circle pit(royal trux-ish) kitchen's floor(new zealand-ish) bed wetting bad boys(replacements - ish) straight arrows(make gories sound hi-fi)
deaf wish 2nd album should be in my hands in a couple weeks, first album was early sonic youth -ish, moved away from that and were amazing live
there is one song frm the up coming circle pit album (slitbreeze release in the states) here
thanks for the recs. I'll keep my eyes open. always did love those Aussies
for whatever reason i can't seem to get stores on the west coast for any of this stuff, but goner and fls dying have them. i'm really trying to only do wholesale but if you want i could put a pack together for you. i've got four more 7's and a lp or two coming in the next few weeks and my wife's been yelling about the pile of records in the office, though she won't give me the shelf that's big enough for them because it holds plants and the liketom
sorry if this sounds like a sales pitch, didn't mean it to
no problem- let me know specifically what you have and maybe I can clear some space for your wife, no matter how much that concept sticks in my craw
can't find yr email, shoot me one at bashlee67 gmail
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