Sharks are inventing new ways to get medieval on their own fans. Thanks, boys, for stretching the limits of my imagination in the suffering department. Like the methhead, I know there is no bottom. My brain is fighting my conditioning. Reaching back in the reservoir of horrifying defeats, I struggle to place this one in the pantheon. I am Sisyphus, fully conscious, approaching the crest, knowing the futility, promising myself I won't go down that mountain again, fully cognizant of the conditioned fact that I will. All the reason in the world calmly whispers, "Walk away," and then they pass the pipe and I'm filling my lungs until they explode. And so it goes.
Well thank you for not making me feel stupid for being a Giants fan. Sharkies have it just as bad.
I want to have a kegger at our new place before we fix it up and make it all nice. Maybe our old band could play in the dining room and we could charge $5 to drink beer? I was thinking a set of sad country songs about the dangers of putting your faith in athletes thick clumsy hands.
On the bright side, I've never seen so much girl ass as I did yesterday in the Marina. Can't wait till you have your first night out in the hood with your head full of beer and your mouth agape. You won't be let down.
being a Sharks fan in the playoffs is like reliving Game 6 of the 2002 World Series every year, except they come up with new ways to blow it each time. Last night took the proverbial cake.
I attend garage keggers, but it's been 25 years.
Re: Marina "ass." I work in a high school.
That's right, I forgot. Maybe I should blast some Steve Miller in my backyard while we drain a party ball?
I'm afraid to ask what a "party ball" is...
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