It's almost impossible to believe the Gyros are in a position to clinch a World Series berth at home tomorrow, but weirdness reigns. Here's the lineup Bochy should pull out of the magic hat.
CF- Andres Torres- a walk and a solid single to right suggests the groove might be returning- go with the ones who brung ya in the first clinching attempt.
2B- Freddy Sanchez- still a fairly frustrating playoff performance, but he hit some balls hard tonight and if he remains disciplined, I'm thinking big hit tomorrow.
1B- Aubrey Huff- the man got little media love tonight, but he went 3-5 and had a huge single in the 9th off Oswalt. I could watch the slo-mo of him running home to score the winning run all night.
C- Buster Posey- this was his best game as a pro, and given his recent at-bats, I have no idea how he did it. One can only hope he can flick a few to right off Halladay.
LF- Pat Burrell- he's done very little since that big 3-run shot against Atlanta, but he has worked a couple of key walks and he provides a power threat that produces those walks. Keep him here.
RF- Cody Ross- Nicole got a Facebook post that some woman named her newborn Cody Ross today. They need to redo those magic inside ads with Cody front and center.
3B- Pablo Sandovel- that 6th inning double was one of the best moments of the season, and despite the double play that nearly cost us the game, you have to give this guy a chance to hit for power.
SS- Juan Uribe- I don't know if he's healthy because the man still no speaka de Englis, but if he can swing the bat, stick him here and who the hell knows what the nutbag will do?
P- The Freak
Any questions?
Is "Dig the ride, the swells don't come that often" a line from Point Break?
Big Wednesday
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