OK, my photography skills suck, but if you click on the picture you get a better view of the kind of day Aubrey Huff had, which was pretty much the kind of day most folks at the parade had. Glorious. Never seen a million ecstatic people before, and it wasn't just because all of Market St. was pungent with the smell of dope. It wasn't just the breakfast to-go cups. It was lovefest Frisco style, which means grown men hanging out of trolleys waving thongs and pounding beers from a cooler while adoring women scream sexual offers ain't close to the weirdest thing on the street. I saw middle-aged men crying in trees, fat chicks with orange wigs offering their wombs for Buster's baby or else they could not go on. It was like a Beatles concert, only during the Summer of Love and Kesey'd spiked the punch with ecstasy.
In other words, it was a beautiful day.
I hate crowds. But that was pretty cool. Clearly the Bay Area loves a winner.
I'd like to echo a sentiment you offered a few days ago. Can I get off this post season ride? I'm exhausted. And broke from watching games in bars. I need to dry out, get over this cold. And yes it's all about me. Damn it!
By the way John Wesley Coleman rocks.
glad to hear about the awesome party
jealous, wish I could have been there.
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