23 December 2010

Ipod Tells No Lies

The Ipod has that interesting feature of Most Played, which fails to take the stereo into account but charts that time spent blocking out the ugly world. According to mine, here are the top listens of the year, with all the requisite bags of salt.

We'rewolf- Every Time I Die- this won because Fear the Fin made it the official Sharks anthem of the playoffs so I played it before every game. Clearly, I am a meathead.

Sparta- The Fall- this makes me wanna order the Fox Soccer Channel

Drunk in Yr Uggs- Guinea Worms- sad corner boys at parties, you have your anthem.

City of Rotten Eyes- Overnight Lows- is that title a not-so subtle reference to my 1st period class?

Let's Go- Ministry- the best song from the best Ministry album I've heard in ages.

Satan- The Dwarves- oh Blag

There Goes the Neighborhood- Chronic Sick- didn't Ice Tea's hardcore band have a song by this name?

Cherry Wine- Charlie Feathers- get those Norton records

So You Say You Lost Your Baby- Gene Clark- Any vinyl counter would have put this man at the top, but the digital age punishes the strong.

Love's My Only Crime- Laughing Hyenas- pilates soundtrack for the hate crowd, and John Brannon for president

False Jesii, Part 2- Pissed Jeans- top of the class

Catch a Man on the Rise- Sir Douglas Quintet- righteous Texas groove shit, brother

Hey Delinquents- Spider Bags- Thanks, Bruce!

Ballroom Blitz- Sweet- of course

Brand New Cadillac- Vince Taylor- so now you know the answer to that question

Girly Girly Girly- White Wires- swing swing swing


Tuna said...

iPod?? How 2005.

Your selections are in keeping with your reviews. So clearly you're really listening to what you're reviewing.

Oh, and regarding extended family and the holidays? Dont. It's just not a good idea.

Go Giants!!

Anonymous said...

the keg is tapped and flowing freely- I've signed up for rehab in three months- visiting hours are from 4-6

Tuna said...

a kegger at your house? Nice. I may have to fall off the wagon for that.

Back to music. Just a final thought in these last hours of the 21st century's first decade.... rock is dead. The Strokes/Hives were its last gasp for the general public. What we have been left with these past 8 years or so is Katy Perry, Kanye and grad school Pitchfork music. Rock n Roll does not exist in mainstream entertainment unless its oldies stuff like U2 or Bon Jovi.

Here's hoping rock rises from the dead in the coming years. I miss it.

bruce said...

just got from a reliable source that mikey and daniel from total control ecsr have been jamming U2 quite a bit lately

Tuna said...

I hate new years. Just sayin.