OK, so the blind grab has its downfalls- everybody knows how damn good this is, so what's there to say? And I do believe, but correct me if I am wrong, that this remains relatively available. Hell, my copy comes from RocknRoll Blitzkrieg in Berkeley, CA, so copies must be around for the taking, unless they're not. Let me point out that you get four songs of non-generic, ole Aussie p-rock power, and not just two. Double your pleasure and double your fun. I believe Bill Hicks said that. And must we really go after the president tonight? Really? Instead, let's talk about kegerator maintenance, because if you're going to pour confidently at your next shindig, you don't want mountains of head landing atop your boss's first pour. It is critical to clean the lines, faucet and taps. I can't emphasize this enough. Invest in beer cleaning line solvents and your IPAs will taste like the hopbomb from that disturbing dream last night. Second, don't be afraid to play with your regulator. Sure, most "experts" recommend keeping PSI at 12, but your unit is special, so treat her with the attention to detail she deserves. Finally, and rarely mentioned in most literature, make sure your beer line doesn't sag below the tap. Sagging can cause kinks that lead to wild beer, and you sure don't need 3/4 foam when the family comes over. Whip that line around your tap to assure that gravity doesn't rear its ugly head. Let's review- clean, play and whip, and not necessarily in that order. Keep those three verbs in mind, put the X single on repeat, and you've got yourself a hell of a Super Bowl party.
For the record, I've always thought of my unit as sort of special.
Thank you.
all rumors to the contrary
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