Let me scream into the ether one more time- The Problematics record on Ripoff is one of the finest examples of snot-nosed anthemic punk rock ever released. I'll take a swig and let that dissipate into the virtual tunnel our good friend Ted Stevens used to call a bunch of tubes. Kick forward many years and the good people at Big Neck release a new band with that same P-matics singer, and they're calling themselves The Shirks, and damn if it ain't just straightforward, almost-but-not-quite-as-great p-rock action. Really. One would think the singer of that particular band would be smoking out of his neck, but the pipes have been maintained and he sounds exactly as he did when he was probably a teenager causing his dear mother no small amount of heartache. I would go right now to www.bigneckrecords.com and purchase a bunch of singles. They ain't all winners, but this one is. And get that Seger Liberaton Army cd, and maybe a Baseball Furies record. Stay away from the 7-10 Splits, though- those guys really suck.
For every killer Big Neck has done, there are 10 really depressing shitstain records. Have you investigated Tractor Sex Fatality? They strike me as possibly being "your thing".
hey mitch big peice on them in the new neg guestlist
You're right about Big Neck's batting average being bad, but maybe not A's hitters' bad. I'm not exactly sure what my thing is, but I'll hunt down TSF. I thought I remember them as industrial or Big Blackish or something.
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