01 February 2006


Tuna said...

Come down from the cross. The wood is needed.

Tuna said...

Hey listen to our great leader speak about global warming. Good stuff.


sonny house said...

i can relate

Dr. D said...

this jesus doesnt looked too pained. he looks like he's about to sing a cat steven's song.

sonny house said...

it's Frank Rich's response to Mel Gibson

Tuna said...

Is anybody else sort of torn by Rich? You find yourself nodding in agreement 75% of the time, but you also realize he's the reason the Democrats can never win a big one.

sonny house said...

i like him... a lot

Tuna said...

Agreed but here is the reason what the probelemo is for the group of peole called the majority of Americans...Northeast, wealthy, liberal, Jewish (and no christian right friendly like say the WSJ editors), really smart and articulate. Each Sunday I have gone right to his collumn. Im really looking forward to his book. But when he is the dominant voice of opposition to the Bushies, guess who wins? Awful, but true.

My new mantra for 2006: the Democrats are losers. They have no ideas, no viable candidates. They are ineffectual, overeducated, weenies who cant connect and have no balls. And you have to if ya wanna lead in a a (sorta) democracy. Just ask Al and John.

sonny house said...

not to be too difficult, but that's been your mantra for at least five years

your description of Rich pretty much works for NYTimes readers, though, doesn't it? He preaches to the choir, for the most part

Tuna said...

oK, you may be right. But um the Dems dont ever listen and look who keeps winning! How long before we have to wait for the Dem's prophet to lead them out of exile?

I remain amazed by the lack of talent in both political parties. Its just shocking.

Yes, he does. But damn it sounds good after you watch the Bushies arrogance and imcompetance.

sonny house said...

i don't know- it's hard

if folks watched the first Bush-Kerry debate and it mattered, you'd have said Bush was finished. But it didn't, and he wasn't

I just don't know anymore why people vote the way they do. I've been thinking for awhile that ego has more to do with it than any policy positions. Kicking ass, winning, feeling superior to the other guy, hating as a way of feeling superior- are these powerful motivators for voters? Or is it that in an increasingly complex world folks want something clear and easy to believe in, like You're With Us or Against Us, Axis of Evil vs. City on the Hill, etc. I don't know, but I don't think it's gay marriage or anything like that. I just have this feeling that people want to win, and they see Bush as a winner (granted, that is extraordinarily twisted, given his business track record and everything else). They want to feel safe and maybe his arrogance helps comfort them. Maybe the simplicity of his message helps comfort them.

I'm rambling. Maybe the Demos should draft me, kind of like Apollo Creed did with Rocky- give an unknown a shot. Put Oprah up as a Demo and you win. Period. Then we can all jump up on the White House couch and have a love-in.

Tuna said...

Why not? When I hear Hilary Clinton or Barack Obama's name, I just sigh and get ready for the McCain presidency. Its coming and at least it will be better than W. That's how low expectations are around here.