10 April 2007

That's right, it's my annual ritual in futility to get complacent bitches off couches and into barstools for the first round of the NHL playoffs. If you've been paying attention, the Sharks have a rematch with the Nashville Predators, whom the Men In Teel dispatched in a tidy five games last year. It would have been a sweep, but certain people insisted on talking about relationships DURING THE FUCKING GAME, which clearly threw the Sharks' penalty killers off and cost them the opening contest. Steps have been taken this year to avoid such a repeat travesty of common decency, so Nashville will have to do it on their own. I've got ten Vegas dollars saying there ain't a George Jones sober evening in hell it's going to happen.

Sharks vs. Predators

Wednesday, April 11

5:00 PST

FSNBA, CH. 40 on your dial

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